Chasing Green

I live quite a distance from this location, but I just had to go. I was craving nature. The long journey was worth it. It also helps that I love journeying. There was an abundance of green.

Green tea, tall trees, lush grass, bushes, and shrubs. Birds were chirping. The river was flowing, and the waterfall was gushing. I get way too excited in such environments. I take pictures of everything! I adore it.

I wore a flowery dress that I felt cringe in until I arrived at this little paradise and forgot all about it. I had a cold and yet, and yet, and yet, I was playing with water. Some days are very wholesome. My cold disappeared, or I forgot I had it and I got better. Goes to say your thoughts do come to life.

There were flowers along the river bed, flowers with the grass, new blooms, dried blooms, flowers on my dress! I blended in just fine, just right. And what a beautiful day it was. Tigoni is the creator’s way of showing off. Such craftsmanship!


As above so below
As within so without
I know the above is an extract of a larger phrase said by someone important. I assume that someone is important because of how much people quote the same lines.
I like how 8 simple words can be sequenced together to make such an enlightening phrase. And in a addition to that it sounds relaxing to say, to think of, to write down.
I love how it’s introspective.
It makes you look within. You ask yourself important questions, who am I as a person. What’s the colour of my heart. Do I harbour love and kindness or the opposite.

It’s also expansive, the same line. As above so below. If we take it literally, what’s in the soil, in the earth reflects what’s in the air, the atmosphere. And with this kind of searching in we can keep doing that which is pro-growth and eliminate that which destroys.

But the question is, who’s willing?

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